Firehose Details

{{Firehose Name}}
S3 Prefix
IAM Role
Batch Size (MB)
Batch Interval (s)


Key Name : Value Name key_name : value_name keyName : valueName key name : value name key-name : value-name



Welcome to Firehose

Amazon Firehose helps you capture, batch, and deliver all your streaming data into S3, Redshift and other destinations. Once in the destination you can use any tool of your choice to analyze the data. For example with Firehose you can:

  1. Aggregate all clickstream data from your web frontends
  2. Capture all mobile app data from smartphones
  3. Deliver all log data from your IT infrastructure into S3

You don't have to write any code to capture and deliver data into your S3, Redshift, or other destination.

Create a Firehose

Firehose Awesomeness

first run illustration
first run illustration
first run illustration

Configure your Firehose

Submit data

Monitor your data delivery

Create and configure the Firehose to batch, compress, and encrypt your streaming data as it is delivered into S3, Redshift, and other destinations.

Install the agent or use APIs to automatically submit data from data producers such log servers, smartphone apps, network routers into Firehose

Monitor the metrics for data flowing through Firehose into your S3, Redshift, or other destination per the defined configuration.

Welcome to Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Kinesis is a managed service that scales elastically for real-time processing of streaming big data. Amazon Kinesis takes in large streams of data records that can then be consumed in real time by multiple data-processing applications running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.

To start using Amazon Kinesis, create a data stream. Please note that Amazon Kinesis is not currently available in AWS Free Tier. Shard Hour charges will begin once you create your Amazon Kinesis stream and will continue until the stream is deleted. For details about Amazon Kinesis pricing, see Amazon Kinesis Pricing.

Create Stream

Using Amazon Kinesis

first run illustration
first run illustration
first run illustration

Create a data stream

Write data to the stream

Consume data from the stream

Data streams consist of shards. Estimate the number of shards that you will need based on the amount of data written to and read from the stream.

Data from many producers can be written to the stream for scalable and reliable intake.

Multiple data-processing applications consume from the stream to produce real-time insights.

Create Firehose

  • Step 1: Choose Destination
  • Step 2: Configure Firehose
  • Step 3: Add Tags
  • Step 4: Review

Choose Destination

Choose a destination for Firehose to store your streaming data.

Firehose Destination

Firehose to S3

Firehose Name
The Firehose name that you have entered does not meet Firehose name guidelines. Learn more about Firehose names.
S3 Destination Bucket
S3 Prefix
IAM Role

Firehose needs an IAM security role to access the AWS resources it needs. If you don't have an applicable role already, one can be auto-created for you. Learn more about Firehose IAM roles.

Firehose to Redshift

Creating a Firehose to Redshift is not currently supported in the prototype. Create a Firehose to S3 instead!

Configure Firehose

Data put into Firehose will be batched, encrypted and delivered into the destination using the configuration options you have selected.


Choose how you want your data batched. You can choose to specify a batch size in MB or a batch interval in seconds. If both are specified, the condition that is met first is how data will be batched. Learn More

Batch Size (MB)
Batch Interval (s)

Compression and encryption

Compression and encryption will be applied after data has been batched.

Data Compression
Data Encryption using KMS

Add Tags

You can add tags to describe your Firehose. A tag consists of a case-sensitive key : value pair. For example, you can define a tag with key : value pair Corporate Department : Sales and Marketing. You can create up to 10 tags.

Key Value Remove

Review Firehose Configuration

Review your configuration and make any changes before creating your Firehose.


Firehose Name {{Name}}
Destination Bucket {{DestBucket}}
S3 Prefix {{Prefix}}
IAM Role {{IAMRole}}


Batch Size (MB) {{batchSize}}
Batch Interval (s) {{batchInterval}}
Compression {{Compression}}
Encryption {{Encryption}}


No tags added!



Firehose {{Hose Name}} has been successfully created. Learn how to connect your Firehose here.

Create Firehose
Name Destination Compression Encryption Status
CustomerServiceApplicationData s3://BucketName GZIP None Active
HelloWorld s3://BucketName2/Prefix None nameOfEncryptionKeyinKMS Active
{{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} Starting